Welcome to my blog page! I hope to cover a variety of dog breeds and canine related issues and matters in my blogs. I hope readers find them informative and interesting.

Blog #34 – Barbado da Terceira
The Barbado da Terceira aka the Terceira Cattledog originated in the Terceira island in the Azores, Portugal. The breed was a vital tool for the

Blog #33 – Bigger isn’t always better
I am always the first person to criticise Kennel clubs, breed standards and show breeders for the damage and role they have played in ruining

Blog #32 – Smithfield Drover Dogs
The Smithfield Drover dogs of old were a strong, athletic and intelligent bearded collie type of working dog that were used by farmers for watching

Blog #31 – Italo Terrier
It has been a while since I updated the website and carried on with my blogs but as we all know life has a habit

Blog #30 – The Old Plantation Dogs
There has been numerous articles, stories, fairy tales, discussions, old wives tales, claims and everything else in between the moon and the sun about the

Blog #29 – Malaysian Telomian Dog
The Malaysian Telomian Dog aka Anjing Kampung which means Village dog in Malay was originally bred by the Orang Asli people in the jungles of

Blog #28 – The Giants of Portugal
I am extremely proud to come from a such an amazing country like Portugal. That is full of history and culture and where so many

Blog #27 – The Brit & the Yank
I was talking to a friend of mine recently about the Pit Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and why there is such difference

Blog #26 – It’s in the blood…
I have often spoke about my grandfather and all the dogs he had on his farm and how privileged I was to have had that

Blog #25 – Patagonian Greyhound
The first time I heard about the Galgo Barbucho aka Barbucho Criollo from Patagonia in Argentina, was over ten years ago. When a family member

Blog #24 – Livestock Guardians
It’s not very often that I talk about or share much about the livestock guardian breeds but they are always in the back of my

Blog #23 – Cuban Hellhound
The Dogo de Cuba, Cuban Bloodhound, Dogo Cubano and Cuban Mastiff were all names given to the same type of dog used through out the

Blog #22 – Wicklow Terrier
The Wicklow mountains have been the home of a type of Terrier that has existed in Ireland since the 1500’s. A strong, thick set, low

Blog #21 – Corona Lockdown
I hope that everyone reading this is well especially with so much going on at the moment, it’s hard to even know if we are

Blog #20 – Brian’s Plummer Terrier
I know that he is not everyone’s cup of tea and many will be very quick to criticise the man, but I have always been

Blog #19 – Close call
I, like every other dog owner around the world, look forward to getting home from a long day’s work, grabbing the dogs and heading out