The first time I heard about the Galgo Barbucho aka Barbucho Criollo from Patagonia in Argentina, was over ten years ago. When a family member of mine in Venezuela first told me about the breed. It immediately grabbed my attention as I have always had a soft spot for a hairy lurcher, as you can’t beat a nice running dog with a good coat. It’s a great shame that breeds like the Scottish Deerhound and Irish Wolfhound are now mere shadows of their former selves. It’s disappointing that more hasn’t been done by fanciers to bring these breeds back into the fields of the British and Irish countryside. It’s hard not to look at pictures and videos of the Galgo Barbucho and imagine what the many Irish and British long haired greyhounds used to look like two or three hundred years ago.
The Galgo Barbucho was bred from a variety of working dog breeds that were taken to Argentina over the years to work and hunt large game in Patagonia. This is an extremely hard and testing area in South America for men and dogs and therefore a dog with exceptional qualities was required. It’s believed that local hunters over the last 200 years have combined six different breeds; the Greyhound, Scottish Deerhound, Irish Wolfhound, Borzoi, Dogo Argentino and Great Dane to create the foundation for the Galgo Barbucho. These crosses were done on a best to best basis between hunters.
These hunting hairy greyhounds were deemed more valuable than anything else in Patagonia as they not only provided security from the many wild animals in the area but they also provided their owner with a regular source of food. The ‘father’ of the modern day Galgo Barbucho is Dr. Aldo Omar Iriarte, who dedicated over forty years of his life developing and promoting the breed. Thanks to the efforts of Dr Iriarte, the breed is officially recognised by the Argentinian Kennel Club and is slowly gaining popularity in its country of origin. The breed is still relatively unknown outside of its homeland and therefore the FCI have not officially recognised the breed yet.
It gives me great pleasure to see a breed like the Galgo Barbucho flourishing and gaining in popularity. A breed that was heavily influenced by British and Irish dogs like so many others all over the world. There is no doubt that the British created some fantastic working dog breeds but it does appears that over the last 100 years many have fallen by the weigh side. There is no denying that mentalities have changed over the years, egos have grown and many modern dogmen seem to think they know better and try to re invent the wheel. Whilst others move onto the new foreign cash cow that emerges every couple of years to make a quick buck whilst the traditional British breeds are forgotten about and left to the show fraternity to play “operation” with.
I always find that many of the working British breeds which have been forgotten about over here are still working and performing their original function in other parts of the world. There is still Scottish Deerhounds and Irish Wolfhounds both in their pure form and crossed working in South Africa, Australia and America. I am aware that Mr David Platt continues to develop his strain of English Deerhound and I wish him all the very best in his endeavour. I look forward to seeing how he develops his dogs over the next few years.
It would be great to bring back the British and Irish rough coated greyhounds of the past and not let them fade away into the history books and allow other countries to take them on as their own. We must act now before it’s too late to preserve the working instincts of our long haired greyhounds so that we can enjoy them just as much as many dogmen do, all over the world. In the mean time, I wish the breeders of the Galgo Barbucho every success for the future and I hope that they continue to work the breed as they always have. It’s unfortunate, in my opinion, that the breed has been recognised by the Argentinian Kennel Club as this always tends to be the beginning of the end for many working dog breeds. My advice to the Barbucho fanciers is to stay well away from the kennel clubs as much as possible and keep the dogs where they belong, in the field doing what they were bred to do.
Thanks for the info on the ‘Galgo Patagonico” in your blog. I stumbled across your blog while I was doing some research into dogs which are similar to the ones I am breeding here in Australia. I have had some seriously bad experiences with my breed of choice – Irish Wolfhound – here in Australia. To overcome the problem, because I have just retired I thought I might do as the ‘rescuer’ of the breed did in the late 1800’s and try to breed a type of animal which looked and acted like a Wolfhound but without all the inherited genetic problems. I note that the image at the top of your blog is a spitting image of a male which I have obtained as part of my breeding programme. He was sold to me as an Irish Wolfhound, but if these old eyes don’t deceive me he is more Scottish Deerhound than Wolfhound. Here in Australia, in the early days of the colony a good ‘kangaroo dog’ or ‘kangaroo hound’ was the most valuable animal in the colony. Back then, when you left the original colony to set up your ‘selection’ to make your fortune there were no cattle, sheep, deer and other native prey animals, apart from the kangaroo and the odd wallaby. A large adult ‘roo can reach around 75 km per hour for the first couple of kilometres, then can apparently sit on around 45 km per hour for the next hour or so. It takes a fast, big dog with big stamina to bring down one of these animals.
It seems that for the following 150 years or so the locals bred these dogs from greyhounds, Scottish Deerhounds and other English ‘lurchers’, not to win shows but to bring home dinner! I suspect that the animal I have is a product of this 200 years or so of breeding for outcomes, not prize ribbons.
For that reason I was wondering if you had contact details for Dr Iriarte. I would love to see if I could get some genetic material from the Galgo Patagonico line to introduce to the line I am working on. I won’t source genetic input from local ‘breeders’ – there has been too much damage done to the genetics of the breed here due to the popularity of ‘line breeding’ – putting fathers over daughters, sons over mothers, etc. As my vet said, ‘If it works, they call it ‘line breeding’. If it doesn’t, they call it ‘in-breeding’. Hence my attempt to start from scratch, and my interest in accessing genetics from the working dog ‘type’ rather than the ‘breed’.
I would contact the Argetine Breed Society to see if the have any contact details but unfortunately I don’t speak Spanish. I was thinking maybe some frozen straws of semen from a good example of the breed might do the trick, but if they are available I would have to research how I could best get the material into the county. In the meantime I was most interested in the detail in your piece, and if you don’t mind I would be most happy to be put on the email mailing list for any other articles you might post.
Otherwise, if you have any contact details for Dr Iriarte it would be appreciated enormously!
Shane Flynn
Like the sound of these beautys Jackal.