The British Isles have always had good working Terriers in every region of the country. It’s believed that all terriers descend from the original Black and Tan terrier and over time regional types were created by adding others breeds to create a dog that suited the terrain and vermin that the local terrier men worked. These types of terriers were named after local villages and regions and went on to become the ancestors of our modern day Terriers. MORE INFO COMING SOON!!!

Plummer Terrier

Bedlington Terriers

Lakeland Terrier

Airedale Terrier

Patterdale Terrier

Border Terrier

Sealyham Terrier

A Patterdale Terrier bred by the well known terrier man Mr Brian Nuttall

A pair of Patterdale Terriers bred by the well known terrier man Mr Brian Nuttall

A Patterdale Terrier bred by the well known terrier man Mr Brian Nuttall

Cracking pair of Lakeland Terriers cross Patterdale Terriers

A nice pack of Terriers - Fell Terrier, Russell Terrier & 2 Lakeland Terriers

Old school Jack Russell Terrier

A strong looking Fell Terrier

Working Airedale Terrier

A nice Fell Terrier bitch

Brother & sister - Fell Terriers from Middleton & Brightmore lines

A 9 month old Lakeland Terrier

Mr John Park with two of his working terriers

A nice and strong bully Patterdale Terrier

A really nice Fell Terrier

Fell Terrier in the field

A black Fell Terrier

A nice working type Bedlington Terrier

A true working Lakeland Terrier

Fantastic trio of working Plummer Terriers

A working duo of Plummer Terriers

Mr Harry Irving with two of his working Lakeland Terriers

Fell Terrier and Lakeland Terrier

Fantastic trio of working Lakeland Terriers

A working Lakeland Terrier in the UK

Mr John Park with one of his working terriers

A young Lakeland Terrier

‘Omega’ - Mr Brian Plummers most famous Rat Hunting Terrier

‘Rex’ a Lakeland Terrier from Mr Gary Middleton breeding in the 1990’s

Old type Fell Terrier

A strong looking Patterdale Terrier at working dog show in Ireland

A cracking pair of Patterdale Terriers

A working Bedlington Terrier

A beautiful strong looking Patterdale Terrier bitch

A really nice working type from Nuttall x Powell breeding

Patterdale Terrier in the field

A beautiful quartet of British Terriers 🇬🇧 2x Lakeland Terriers, 1x Patterdale Terrier & 1x Russell Terrier (White Lakeland Terrier)

A nice pack of working Plummer Terriers

David Harcombes ‘Jack’ a Ken Gould bred Patterdale Terrier

The late Mr Gary Middleton with ‘Punch’ one of his working Lakeland Terriers

Working Airedale Terrier in America

A lovely looking Bedlington Terrier living in Norway

A nice trio of Bedlington Terriers

Working Patterdale Terrier

Airedale Terrier in the early 1930’s

A great photo sent in by one of our followers of his father with his grandfather’s Airedale Terrier in 1948 in England 🏴 The story goes that his Grandfather ran a sweet shop in London’s east end just after World War 2. The Airedale was used as a guard dog and had to do it’s job to be kept. People back then were always trying to steal stuff and this dog was really sharp. Salesmen used to come into the shop and his grandfather would lay a £5 note on the table at the rear of the shop. He told the salesmen that they could have the £5 if they could get it... no one ever got the fiver as the dog made sure of it.

Athletic looking Parson Russell Terrier

A working Patterdale Terrier

Nuttall x Cocker bred Patterdale Terrier bitch

Mrs Graham Spence with one of her Lakeland Terriers bred from her well known ‘Egton’ line in the 1930’s. Mrs Spence paid both Mr Braith Wilson and Mr Joe Wear to work her retired show Lakeland’s with the Ullswater Foxhounds.

A beautiful male Lakeland Terrier

Two strong looking Patterdale Terriers

Early Scottish Terrier

Two black Fell Terriers & Two red Lakeland Terriers

A strong looking male - Russell/White Lakeland Terrier type

A nice looking Lakeland Terrier

Mr Francis G Lloyd with his Scottish Terrier Ch Walescot ‘Invader’ & his Welsh Terrier Ch ‘Ruthless Lover’ when both breeds were still useful in their home land of Scotland & Wales

Proper smart looking terrier - Patterdale Terrier

A lovely young Lakeland Terrier

A young Patterdale Terrier bitch from Wheeler lines

Working Lakeland Terrier

Cracking pair of Lakeland Terriers

One of the nicest Lakeland Terriers I have ever seen in the UK

A young Patterdale Terrier bred from Booth lines

A pack of working Russell Terriers

A pack of working Lakeland Terriers

Parson Russell Terrier

‘Preference’ early Smooth Fox Terrier

White Russell Terriers in 1908 in Kilkenny, Ireland

A young Fell Terrier from Powell lines

Early Scottish Terrier

Lakeland Terrier

Border Terriers

Two Airedale Terriers out hunting with their owner in 1889

White Lakeland Terrier

White Lakeland Terrier

Lakeland Terriers

Lakeland Terrier

Young Patterdale Terrier

Lakeland Terrier b!tch & Patterdale Terrier male

Working Bedlington Terrier