The Dogo de Cuba, Cuban Bloodhound, Dogo Cubano and Cuban Mastiff were all names given to the same type of dog used through out the new world by the Spanish.
The breed was created from a concoction of several different breeds from the Iberian Peninsula. It’s believed that Spanish Mastiffs (Livestock Guardians), Spanish Bulldogs (Alano types) and hounds were all used to create the Cuban Bloodhound.
The Dogo de Cuba was created along similar lines as the Fila de Sao Miguel, Fila da Terceira, Presa Canario and Ca de Bou who were all created on different islands ruled by the Portuguese and Spanish. Whilst the Cuban Bloodhound was created on the island of Cuba in the Caribbean from dogs taken to the island by the first wave of Spanish conquerors and explorers.
Check out Blog #23 – Cuban Hellhound for more info on the Cuban Bloodhound.