This section is full of articles and information written by different authors covering a variety of dog breeds and canine issues.
The Breeders Corner articles is an opportunity for various breeders from around the world to tell their story and talk about their chosen breed.

The Welsh Gafaelgi aka Celtic Mastiff
The Welsh Gafaelgi aka Celtic Mastiff breeding program was created by Mr G.W from Valley Forge Kennels in South Wales. This is an old write

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier; A look at the breed standard.
General Appearance—-Smooth coated, well balanced, of great strength for his size. Muscular, active and agile. The Staff is an athlete. Everything about him should mark

The Terrier front
Among the specific features of conformation that help shape and define each breed or group of breeds, one comes to mind as remarkably misunderstood, and

The Black Boerboel
There was no such thing as a black boerboel when I entered the breed. Nobody discussed it, or even thought of it. The idea of

History of the Lurcher
The lurcher is a type of dog originating in Ireland and parts of Great Britain. Brian Plummer identifies the Norfolk Lurcher as the predecessor of

The History of The Staffordshire Bull Terrier
One of the biggest sporting and gambling events in the 17th and 18th century was bull and bear baiting. This was setting packs of dogs on

The origins of the Kerry Blue Terrier
There is considerable obscurity in regard to the origin of the Kerry Blue Terrier but there is no uncertainty that the Kerry Blue Terrier is

Breeders Corner #2 – DeGuello Dogo Argentinos
The Dogo Argentino is often underestimated as a natural hunter. In the 6 years that we have been in the breed we have raised and

Breeding, exercising & handling Irish Wolfhounds
I try to breed a dog that could still do the job he was meant to do. Quality, not quantity. I’ve only bred in all

When I think of poison. I usually conjure up thoughts of a creature, be it man or animal. In the throes of agony dying of

The Rat Catchers who supplied the Pits
From Henry Mayhew’s “London Labour and the London Poor,” we get a nice description of the rat catchers of his day who supplied the rat

The cause of hip dysplasia in puppies
Many studies have documented that genetics explains part of the variation among dogs in hip scores. This is usually 15-30% of the total variation, but

The Lagotto Romagnolo – History & Current Situation
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a dog that has been specially bred to find truffles on all kinds of terrain; it is the only breed in

The Working Jack Russell
An Extract from ‘The Working Jack Russell’ by Eddie Chapman The story of Foxwarren started when I was a young lad out shooting rats one

Roots of the Grand Old Breed
Without a doubt, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the most controversial breed in the world today. It wasn’t always thus. Only forty years ago, it was

The Farm dogs of France
I only realised the sheer size of France and the vastness of its farmed land when I once drove from Calais to the Pyrenees, camping